Preblog Poems


our little sand castle was washed out
pieces scattered along the coast
caused not by one ravage storm
but cyclical minuscule waves
formed by tides of jealousy and juvenile turmoils
like building a house of cards
we rushed to get higher and higher
when we only had a meager little base
that would topple over from the faintest zephyr
after all was destroyed
I looked at our foundation
there was nothing left



As the autumn wind blew gently I can hear

The sound of whispers softly near

I quickened my pace to follow the voice

It was like being forced I had no choice

Suddenly a forest sprite appeared

It said you must be warned, you must fear

For these woods are very misleading

They lead to a place of pain and bleeding

I didn’t believe and said I’m not afraid

haha The sprite laughed that’s what they all said

Not long ago there was a girl like you

She was stubborn and I told her few will make it through

She didn’t heed my precious warning

Walked straight in where those trees are adjoining

Centuries passed and she never came out

This city called love holds such a treacherous route


You are a (3rd) derivative

words worth an ounce of oxygen in outer space
were devalued to less than a grain of Egyptian sand
your phony lies moved the market of your own words
with the momentum greater than a stock market crash


call me

I granted you the option
to take ownership of my organ
one that pumps blood through my veins
and keeps the secret to my soul

a market price of happiness
a strike price of honesty
were you too scared to take the risk
or too cheap to pay the premium?

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